Into 2010

Normally I don’t have a clear idea what I want to do in the next year but this year it does seem different.

Finish the Web Applications Certificate I started last year
I’ve finished the 1st year now, still waiting for the results on the course from just before Christmas, but this year I have Databases within Website Design, Open Source Development Tools and to finish up Server Management, Performance, And Tuning to look forward too.

A Weekly summary
Something I’ve done at work for a few years now. Seems lots of folks have started doing this recently on their blogs. I’m not sure if I do enough to do a summary every week, maybe everuy month make more sense. Which leads smoothly into…

Blog more
Being able to write better or at least faster is something I’ve been meaning to work on for a while, which is only going to happen if I practice (via Hacker News), only six post in the last year is pretty bad, plus like others say (via Hacker News again), I find writing ideas down does help me think about ideas and development them more.

So like John Greenaway, I’m going to try project 52 and blog once a week for the year

Make stuff
I think Pete Gilbert said it best:

Make a new years resolution: Start making things – real things – in the new year. And try selling them. #newmanufacturing

Which for me taps into the Get Excited & Make Things! meme and some of the ideas in Makers by Cory Doctorow (Review by Jukesie)

With more experimenting physical computing be top of the list, so hopefully I’ll have some results to of messing around with arduinos (Bath Arduino hackday wave) and processing and my plug computer.

Hopefully all this creating things will give me some cool stuff to blog.

More work on my family’s holiday villa
I seem to be taking over more and more of the day to day work plus the website really needs a revamp and I have some new ideas from my OU courses. Running as business has taught me more about business than working as an employee for ten years did and being able to try out idea right away has been a good learning experience, some worked well, some worked a little, some didn’t really work but I learnt so much from each one.

Read more books
I used to used to read so much, at least a book a week, but I got out of the habit, this year I’m going to try to get back into it. I’m still working not sure the best way to go about this, setting some target but the way Derek Sivers list them on his site seem like I nice idea for non-fiction.

Side projects
So early last year I setup a tumblr on building, Pied-à-terre as a scrapbook of ideas and details for houses plus as a testbed for the platform so I could work out how to best use the tool.

Towards the end of the year I ended up setting up a second one covering some demos I like and to stop them swamping my twitter account, The Demo Scene

The plan for this year is to updated the regularly, have a post a day on each for the year on Pied-à-terre. I’m not sure I’ll be able to find 365 demos to post so I don’t want to set the same limit on The Demo Scene but we’ll see what I find.

So one post down only 51 more to go,