Letter to my MP about the Digital Economy Bill

So tonight I finally sent my letter asking for a debate on the Digital Economy Bill, if you need some background Matt, Richard and @JimboGunn made better points than I could make about why the bill in its current form would disastrous.

Other people ‘s letter are starting to make a difference, so write your own letter it only take a few minutes and Join the Open Rights Group.

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No2ID pledge

via Spyblog, NO2ID are calling in their pledges from 2005. I just did mine.

A lots has happened since then, the costs have risen, the one database has become a merged view of the existing data, and no reason has been given, again you can see all the good work they have done and if you can help them out.

G.I. Zoe


G.I. Zoe

From the BBC’s new HIV/AIDS site: G.I Jonny launched at the end of the Stephen Fry‘s HIV & Me. Like Dolly Mix, I did find some of the stories hard to listen to, that people are still being knowingly infected by partners and even people who want to get the virus. I just can’t think of anyone else who could of presented the programme half as well Stephen Fry, just the right amount of honesty and shock ,all with a real human touch.

The Whole Virgin Vs. Sky Thing

Reading the on going handbag at dawn thing between Sky and Virgin ( I’ve only got freeview so its not a big deal for me). I can’t help thinking thepiratebay and mininova are going to see way more traffic from Virgin IP addresses (which from June is going to be even quicker). You have the illegal option getting easier and easier, with the legal way getting more and more of a pain.